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Production Process and Advantages

Live fish transported by Waterless Hibernation Inducing Technology

Production Process of 36-hour inducing waterless hibernation technology

1. Farm
2. Transportation
3. Acclimation in TheFish Water Tank
4. Packaging by waterless hibernation technology
5. Export
6. Arrival at Destination
1. Farm
2. Transportation
3. Acclimation in TheFish Water Tank
4. Packaging by waterless hibernation technology
5. Export
6. Arrival at Destination
1. Farm
2. Transportation
3. Acclimation in TheFish Water Tank
4. Packaging by waterless hibernation technology
5. Export
6. Arrival at Destination

Advantages of 36-hour inducing waterless hibernation technology

Possible to reduce the logistical cost by the waterless hibernation technology and our own packaging method

Possible to distribute the high quality of live fish by minimizing stress on the live fish

Possible to transport within 30 hours or 36 hours without water by the Waterless Hibernation Inducing Technology

  • Reduction of Logistical cost

    Possible to reduce the logistical cost by the waterless hibernation technology and our own packaging method

  • Improvement of quality

    Possible to distribute the high quality of live fish by minimizing stress on the live fish

  • Quick transportation

    Possible to transport within 30 hours or 36 hours without water by the Waterless Hibernation Inducing Technology

The Fish Co., Ltd.     Representative: Gong Mun Seon    Tel: 82-31-681-1405   Fax: 82-31-682-1407   email:    
Headquarter: D dong, 394-7 Poseunggongdansunhwan-ro, Poseung-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea   
Logistics Center: 3 dong, 394-7 Poseunggongdansunhwan-ro, Poseung-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea   
R&D Institute: D dong, 394-7 Poseunggongdansunhwan-ro, Poseung-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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